Get orthodontic treatment where the results lasts for a lifetime.

Our treatment options

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LightForce Custom Braces

Initial digital scan taken. Your orthodontist will create a customized treatment plan. Submission made to LightForce. Custom brackets are fabricated. Initial bonding scheduled in 5 weeks. Precise placement of custom 3D printed brackets helps make treatment time more efficient. Progress checks every 2-3 months. 

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In-office Aligners

Initial digital scan taken. Your orthodontist will create a customized treatment plan. Predicted movement stages are 3D printed as models for in-office fabrication of clear aligners.  Progress checks every 3-4 months. Quick turnaround time for essix retainers.


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Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are the standard wire and bracket set up. In-office follow up appointments with your orthodontist occurs every 6-8 weeks to check on movement progress and adjust wire and brackets accordingly.  


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Invisalign/ Spark Aligners

Specific scan taken and submitted to Align/ Ormco. Clincheck gets approved by your orthodontist and creates a customized treatment plan for submission. Invisalign/ Spark fabricated then shipped to office in 3-6 weeks. Initial appointment necessary to place attachments and deliver aligners. Progress checks every 3-4 months. Refinement scans may be needed.


“I underestimated the importance of retainers…But with Dr. Vo’s help, I was able to get back the smile I’ve always wanted and keep it for life.”

— Chaz C. (Straight Up Smiles patient)

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.